A Geneation of Orators !
A Generational Hazard ~ for a Generation that Talks n Talks N Talks !
Once upon a time , there was a society that lived by certain norms . People followed a general Code of Conduct for the ease and please of coexisting .
There was Respect , Honour and Valour in the Human existence! Values were embedded into the Brain Cells as a part of the daily routine , cultures were passed down weaved into a tapestry of traditions from one generation to another.
Suddenly , there were shreds strewn across… values bleeding , traditions having amnesia and The Cultured Society was pushed into a corner battered black and blue !
Why , I often wonder !
There is a humongous inflow of Information , Technically sound individuals yet causing a “Mutation of sorts “ for each mind is not equipped to filter the information and hence the colossal damage .
When the mind is clogged with so much , it has to be emptied to fill in more so the words start dropping out … causing a cacophony of thoughts some sane some not !
So people Talk and only Talk ! Everyone has so much to say … no one to listen for the bags have to be emptied fast , as the cyclone of Information has to be gathered into the already exhausted grey matter .
A loser ,with thoughts sitting on a parched bench inside his skull will Talk about the Greatest Achiever with so much ease as though to counter each achievement with his pea brained judgmental skills .
Newton must be turning in his grave for today every action does not have an equal and opposite reaction !
People Talk … damage other people but nothing happens because people only talk ! Actions diminish due to all the talks going around and slowly the words dissipate into thin air to create more words !
It’s time to join a regime Of Silence !
It’s time to let the epiphany begin!
It’s time to breathe in, the air of substance into the souls once again !
Before this world becomes a Circus , no wait even a Circus has a strict Discipline to follow ! Before this world becomes a mad house , let’s sweep and swap the Extra Information and dump it into the garbage , wipe our minds and on a clean slate rehearse the chapters once learnt !
Let us go back to the simpler ways of Life that stood fast on the strong pillars of Values and Traditions .
Let’s get back to our roots , for Deep roots fly high !
Daisy 🌼