The whole world was lit up yesterday,wishing the Moms…appreciating them ,their sacrifices and their selfless achievments in keeping a family happy,healthy and well looked after!
Let’s Today talk about The Woman again!
Their work schedules, their quest to find an identity other than what is forced upon them by society.
You are “settled”once you are “married “
The “marriage” is settled once you have “children”
…n so on n so forth.
Who is She,what about her dreams n aspirations?
She too is an indivisual ,with dreams which, she dares to dream while sweeping ,swabing,cooking,nurturing !
Oh!the list is endless ,where she is the axis (mostly unnoticed)around whom the whole household functions.
She is the Woman who has found an outlet today,thanks to technology …She is a WORKING WOMAN too,the only difference is ,she works behind the closed doors of her home.
Now,why is it so difficult to understand that she is a Working Woman too?
When a man is working,he is supposed to be treated like a Messiah,his needs to be tended to,fresh food of his choice ,to be layed on a table with a crisp lacy dinning table cover,his clothes washed , starched and ironed,his shoes polished…etc etc.
Who is a bigger Hero here,is my question,the one who just goes to a 9 to 5 job (times may vary)and pampered like a child or the one who has the ability to do all of this and much more and still take out time to do her own thing?
Why is her contribution not taken into any account then ?
The Oxymoron here:
They talk big about Women empowerment,whereas I have come across scores of them being happy being a trophy wife and to make matters worse,they are the biggest roadblocks for women who dare to break the norms .
They judge,they gossip,they choose to ignore and they pile on…to collect more bites for their next blabber.
A woman who works from home has her own share of battles to fight.She may be in her pyjammas the whole day,shun make up,doesn’t make her any less eligible for a little appreciation n honour.
She too has deadlines to meet,she has goals to achieve,she has competition,she has power struggles to face ,she has hurdles to cross every single day as any other person who attends a regular office.
The point is:She does all of this with limited resources.She may not have a impressive office or a lavish paraphernalia to boast about, she has, may be, a quite corner in her home that she likes to call her own !
Woman in any capacity is an architect of her own existence.Allow her to spread her wings far and wide and take that one leap of faith !
1.Appreciate her efforts.
2.Do not belittle her achievements, however small they may seem.
3.Allow her to have that Me time,where ,in those few moments she lives for herself.
4.Dont ask her why she is online the whole day,do you realise that, that could be her working space.
Let not her humble existence be the scope of your Judgement here.
At times she needs to be left alone,to rejuvinate,realign herself from the innumerable titles bestowed upon her.
Give her the time ,give her the space,give her some love.Thats all she wants.
Loads of Love to all the Women out there who work from home.More power to them for they didn’t settle with just what was decided for them!
(13th May’19,14:43)