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The Overrated Existence!
We often find ourselves quizzing over the Meaning of Life.The mammoth creating this thought has burdened mankind for as long as we can remember, while the reality seems to be swiftly floating around, aimlessly…unacknowledged!
With the evolution came the need to compartmentalize our existence. Age,Stage ,Success & Happiness were all defined by some as per their need for existence, read power !
Deep lines are circled around the concept of right or wrong ,depleting the society of its colours.Everything was either black or white !!!
“What is chaos for the fly, is home to the spider”!
Who then gets to decide what is right or wrong ?
While trying to choose from the sanctioned colours of the society’s spectrum,too scared to play with the colours in between,to fill in colours in their own canvas of life .The herd is born !
The herd is easier to control!!!
Struggling,confused is the overated concept of black & white, while life happens ,wrapped up in the rainbow of experiences.

Another lame attempt at crippling the human existence by the so called exponents of society to clip the wings that adorn their dreams to fly. You take his dreams away ,you tie him down .
As they say ,” Without dreams life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly “!
Age is just a number not a deciding factor in what and when to Achieve. some may not be ready at the given time – span ,so once past that you lose your chance to do what your heart desires the most.Is that even justified to say the least?
Some may not have had the opportunity , the resources or even may not have been ready ,mentally …you take the very reason of his existence away by slamming a seal of an ‘expiry date’.
You are at a certain stage of your life , you are supposed to behave in a particular manner.How many of us have heard this at least once in our lifetime?
You may be at this stage involuntarily, pushed or coerced into being someone you are not ! You are You ,how do you find yourself whilst the society is busy pushing you back into the herd?How would you then stray away from the cattle crowd and find your own path for each time you try ,you are whipped back into the suffocation.
Taking the road less travelled is seen as a threat by the ones who lack imagination.They will go all out to block your path that lead to the land of your dreams.
Aha ! another overrated & misconstrued concept that has taken away more lives than one can possibly imagine.
How do you define Success? It tastes totally different on different palates.No,but wait! The heads ( of society) are watching ,ears plastered on your soul ,keen to hear not the heartbeats but the tinkling of coins collected in your kitty!
Collected a few : Rejected!
Bags full : You are the real Hero !!!
Money is directly proportional to your sucess as accepted by society .
You may have built solid foundations in coexistence , earned Love & respect,collected Blessings on the way .As you walk the dream path ,a dirt road paved with honesty,hardwork and sheer determination all that is left to accompany you is a fragile shadow.
You may then stop to ponder, ‘why the lonesome quest’?
Your name was never tattoed on the cold conscience of society unless you were loaded with the fake, blinding disillusionment of materialistic bounty that leaves you EMPTY!
“The long unending journey to find what was within “!
You try to fit in one shoe for all… it pinches!If only each one was allowed to choose his own course ,putting one foot after the other,slowly but surely getting a better understanding at what lies ahead.
Humans loiter half of their lives wearing the rose tinted glasses only to be poked and pierced by the thorns of reality falling hard from the pedestal of their own expectations called Life!
She never said she gonna be easy ,one must read the difficult chapters as one does the easy ones.
Age,stage,success are the equations so distorted ,that breaking the walls to find true happiness is the biggest struggle of mankind.
Happiness comes with the knowledge that its okay to break the stereotypes.Its okay to take the road less travelled, to get up at any age or stage of life and take the leap!
Happiness is the aura around the soul that is in total harmony with the deepest desire of finding its true calling and getting closer to the real Me in the equation of who truly we are and the journey where this ME merges into the supreme power… The Paramatma !
THIS IS SUCCESS ,My friend !!!

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